
Hästekasen 3rd mini-music festival

June 27, 2021

Bar in the tavern, food, open fire, accommodation in big military tents. 15 euro – Swedish kronor. Bring extra cash for food/beverage. 

Fantasyvillage at Hästekasen Farm, Hästekasvägen 6, 100 km north of Gothenburg, bus 841. Booking: info @ hastekasen. se

You are welcome to come in “costume”:  tribal, viking, shaman, fairy…? 

Music sessions take place in the forest. Bring an instrument for the amateur jam session.  When darkness fall we do a Tribal rave. Fires and torches. Bring blanket/sleeping bag (or rent from us).


Our “green” approach is described here

15.00 hang in the garden, buy lunch, take part in yoga.
17.00 Tour of the farm
18.00 Food in the garden.
21.00 Music
22.00 Snacks & bar
23.00 AmateurShamanJam
24.00 Tribal techno fire dance in the forest
01.00 Howling at the moon from the tower
02.00 snacks in the viking tavern and more music

No drugs, only alcohol, nikotin=be discreet. 18 years or older.

We have 7 outhouse toilets and military tents for a 100 people.