How does the residents at Hästekasen live?
- We shop a lot at second hand.
- We shop less things from far away.
- We buy flour and meat from local farms (sometimes also eggs and milk).
- Less or no pre-fab food.
- We buy big quantitates, and less often.
- We use shared transport of delivery.
We recycle (drive to the “ recycle station”) the following:
Plastic, tetra pac, metal, batteries, electronics.
Biological, glass and paper we can recycle locally.

We use dry toilet!
We recycle the feces/urine = spread it out after composting into soil. That how it happens naturally in nature. It creates a local lopp of energy/nutrition that eliminates transport.

We share resources between many people!
Toilet, kitchen, electricity, main room, wifi e t c
This is probably one of the main sustainable traits. Lots of people haring: using less per person.
-> We shower less and shorter. (We sometimes do laundry by hand).
-> We often build with local natural resources. No transport what so ever.
-> We produce about 500-700 kilos of food annually.
-> We eat very little meat, most often local meat.
-> We work on location. No travel to work.
-> We use a regenerative method to heat our house: wood
-> We pay extra to get electricity from solar/hydro/wind.
-> We have some solar cells.
But you will still find: plastic bags, sometimes bananas and “petrol” machines here at Hästekasen. But on average we are more ambitious than the average westerner.

One could also argue that the fact that this is a non-smoking place leads to less negative impact on nature. Nicotine leads to sickness that needs resources from the medical system which uses energy and resources.